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Signup Procedures

Call Harry Welton at 847-989-8049 or email with the slightest question. We obviously want to help you get on our tours. In most cases you simply complete the Registration Form on your flyer following the example at the bottom of this page. 


However, this Signup page lists below a series of topics in chronological importance that  require your review when you’re seriously interested in joining one of our tours as an individual or through your church or organization. 


Sometimes these topics will have additional information providing more details that you will see by clicking wherever you’re asked to do that. To return to this page, simply select your browsers method of returning to the previous page and you’ll return here.


You should always read the fine print of the Terms and Conditions of your trip’s flyer which is always found on the back page. The very first thing we should examine is safety and security.

Safety and Security

Your safety and security is our utmost concern and this is one of the most misunderstood aspects of travel to the Holy Land. Americans live in a country with metropolitan urban areas that are at least 10 times more dangerous than Israel and yet we’re always told by well meaning friends and family it’s not safe to go there. 


Keep in mind that Israel has been experiencing record number of tourists every year until Covid-19 shut down tourism in March 2020. There were 4,500,000 tourists to Israel in 2019 of which over 600,000 were from the United States; and over 100,000 visiting at any one time. All these tourists returned home safely.


Areas like the Gaza Strip are far away from where our tours are ever going. Your Tour Guide and Driver are always with you the first few days and would never allow any problems. Soon you will wonder why there was any concern back home and you'll go out shopping with others from your group feeling totally safe.


If you don’t already have a passport, immediately apply for one. Begin by calling or visiting your post office or go to the United States Postal Service website by clicking on the Passport. It’s a very easy process as long as you start early. Don’t wait for the passport to arrive to begin the following steps.


If you already have a passport then check and be certain that it does not expire for at least six months from the time of your return from your destinations. Countries vary about this rule but Israel is the most strict so if that’s one of your destinations, then you need to plan for that.


In other words, if you’re scheduled to leave Israel to return to the U.S. on January 1, 2022 then your passport must be valid through June 30, 2022. You will not be admitted to the country otherwise. 


Later we’ll notify you asking for a legible copy of your passport photo page to be sent, faxed, or email to our main office. BUT DO NOT WAIT FOR YOUR PASSPORT TO REGISTER FOR THE TRIP.

Additional Covid Forms

The forms below are required at this time and some may not be necessary by the time of your tour:


  1. A legible copy of your Vaccination Certificate from Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna, or Johnson. 

  2. Appendix C, which is a document we’ll provide for you to sign accepting the conditions to come to Israel

  3. Appendix D, which is a document we’ll provide for you that is a Power of Attorney that gives the power to one of our representatives to represent you in front of the immigration authority in case of quarantine or something like that.


GroupIST or Group International Specialty Travel is the the parent company of both Journeys Unlimited and Regina Tours. We mention this to you as you will see that name frequently as your forward with us such as our emails (


Please make your payment to Journeys Unlimited or Regina Tours as your Registration Form will indicate. However we mention GroupIST because that will be the name of our company acknowledging your payments and providing you more information. 


Once you’re decided you’d like to join one of our trips simply fill out the Registration Form that you see on the brochure provided and send it to the address shown along with your check or credit card information. 


After we receive receives your initial deposit, an invoice and welcome letter will be sent to you. Note the following insurance information which is important to be understood at the time you first register. 


Check the “Terms and Registration” on the back of your brochure to see our policy in case you find it necessary to cancel your trip. The amount of our required deposits are the lowest in the travel industry.

Early Bird Discounts

Check your brochure and see if you can save some money by submitting your deposit early enough for the Early Bird Discounts we generally offer 9 or 6 months before your departure. These discounts are deducted from your final payment that will be due 60 days before your tour.  


Review the separate "Travel Insurance"page under "Passengers" on the Header.

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